Conditions of participation / Nettiquette

Leaving the too official stuff aside, we simply appeal to your common sense this time. Our forum was thought to offer a nice and easy way to exchange ideas with others about the festival, and maybe even make one or two friends. If you have some beautiful festival photos, feel free to upload them here and share whatever may be of interest like links to videos, press reports and more.

A minimum age of 16 years is required for registration.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, you are welcome to register as 'Bibi Buttercup' or otherwise - we do not collect identities. Only your e-mail address should already work, otherwise you will never receive the e-mail to verify your registration.

What we don't like here are:

  • Contributions that serve product advertising,
  • Contributions with immoral, pornographic or racist content,
  • and posts that disparage, harass, or otherwise insult others.
  • Content of this kind will be removed by us without further ado, and the user will be deleted.

    Apart from that have a lot of fun!
    The Z-Team