Festival 2022

Gallery I
© 2022 | Julius Nieweler | Hannover
Gallery II
© 2022 | Lukas
Gallery III
© 2022 | Lukas
click the artists for more details ...
Main stage
Batiar Gang
Botticelli Baby
Brazzo Brazzone & The World Brass Ensemble
Brazzo Brazzone & The World Brass Ensemble
aus Hannover (D)
Webseite: brazzobrazzone.com
Video: Bella Ciao
aus Hannover (D)

Webseite: brazzobrazzone.com
Video: Bella Ciao
Conscious Culture
Fly Cat Fly
Henri Parker & the Lowered Lids
Henri Parker & the Lowered Lids
aus Kiel (D)
Webseite: henriparker.bandcamp.com
Video: Diggin Up -captured on Projekt Stereo Bar
aus Kiel (D)

Webseite: henriparker.bandcamp.com
Video: Diggin Up -captured on Projekt Stereo Bar
Make A Move
Mal Élevé
Marten Pankow
Marten Pankow
aus Rostock (D) / Zürich (CH)
Webseite: www.facebook.com/martenpankow
Video: live @ SPOT Festival 2018T
aus Rostock (D) / Zürich (CH)

Webseite: www.facebook.com/martenpankow
Video: live @ SPOT Festival 2018T
Shirley Holmes
The OhOhOhs

aus Rostock (D)
Webseite: www.facebook.com/akktenzeichen
Video: FSF Alles auf Rausch Tour
aus Rostock (D)

Webseite: www.facebook.com/akktenzeichen
Video: FSF Alles auf Rausch Tour
Brass Riot
Karacho Rabaukin
Ostberlin Androgyn
Pete Gelée
The Deadnotes
Ongolito Ville / DJs
Arman John
Daniel Jaeger
Das Maer liveDaniel Jaeger
from Berlin (D)
Daniel Jaeger (Crim inal Bassline | Katerm ukke | Bordel des Arts) Biography
Already being a musician in his childhood Daniel Jaeger who was born and raised in Berlin started producing his first tracks in the age of 12. As he grew older a passion towards electronic music arose more and more, so that he was DJìng in a club for the first time by the age of 16. By today Daniel already played in some of the biggest clubs of Berlin’s clectronic music scene, like Kater Blau, Sysiphos, Salon zur wilden Renate and many more. He is also Label-Manager of berlin based label Criminal Bassline and holds a residency at one of the most popular party series in berlin. called "Bordel Des Arts“. In the beginning of 2017 his first Track was released on "Bar 25 Music“ and his first EP named „Be A Better You“ EP on Criminal Bassline followed in the end of 2017.
from Berlin (D)

Daniel Jaeger (Crim inal Bassline | Katerm ukke | Bordel des Arts) Biography
Already being a musician in his childhood Daniel Jaeger who was born and raised in Berlin started producing his first tracks in the age of 12. As he grew older a passion towards electronic music arose more and more, so that he was DJìng in a club for the first time by the age of 16. By today Daniel already played in some of the biggest clubs of Berlin’s clectronic music scene, like Kater Blau, Sysiphos, Salon zur wilden Renate and many more. He is also Label-Manager of berlin based label Criminal Bassline and holds a residency at one of the most popular party series in berlin. called "Bordel Des Arts“. In the beginning of 2017 his first Track was released on "Bar 25 Music“ and his first EP named „Be A Better You“ EP on Criminal Bassline followed in the end of 2017.
from Melbourne (AUS)
Sammy Alexander AKA - EZY ST has been bouncing around our dance floors for the past 5 years. Well known for playing groovy rhythmic tunes through to high energy techno you can catch him each week somewhere around the Melbourne club scene. Most recent gigs have been at Revolver Upstairs, Circus, Electric, Killing Time, The Emerson where he warmed up for Late Nite Tuff Guy, S.A.S.H, Festival 23, Burning Seed & Pitch Music and Arts Festival to name a few. Sammy holds a residency with The Breakfast Club, Melbourne and has also played often for Thick as Thieves and many other local event promoters over the years. This summer Sammy is set to release his first two EP albums consisting of 8 original tracks and is touring around Europe mid-2022, including Summer Contrast Festival in Poland. His first 4 tracks have been signed to Tanny Records along side other world renowned artists Archie Hamilton, Markus Homm & Per Hammar to name a few. He was also the support DJ for Jamie Jones in Melbourne, May 2022.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ezy.st
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EZYST247
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/sammy-alexander-408419423
from Melbourne (AUS)

Sammy Alexander AKA - EZY ST has been bouncing around our dance floors for the past 5 years. Well known for playing groovy rhythmic tunes through to high energy techno you can catch him each week somewhere around the Melbourne club scene. Most recent gigs have been at Revolver Upstairs, Circus, Electric, Killing Time, The Emerson where he warmed up for Late Nite Tuff Guy, S.A.S.H, Festival 23, Burning Seed & Pitch Music and Arts Festival to name a few. Sammy holds a residency with The Breakfast Club, Melbourne and has also played often for Thick as Thieves and many other local event promoters over the years. This summer Sammy is set to release his first two EP albums consisting of 8 original tracks and is touring around Europe mid-2022, including Summer Contrast Festival in Poland. His first 4 tracks have been signed to Tanny Records along side other world renowned artists Archie Hamilton, Markus Homm & Per Hammar to name a few. He was also the support DJ for Jamie Jones in Melbourne, May 2022.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ezy.st
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EZYST247
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/sammy-alexander-408419423
Jan Dorn
Lucca Tan
LuyseLucca Tan
from Melbourne (AUS)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/luccatanfan
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/luccatan
from Melbourne (AUS)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/luccatanfan
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/luccatan
Till Matthé
Trockener SektTill Matthé
aus Hamburg (D)
Webseite: www.facebook.com/TillMatthe
Audio: soundcloud.com/tillmatthe/bananor-zytanien2017
aus Hamburg (D)

Webseite: www.facebook.com/TillMatthe
Audio: soundcloud.com/tillmatthe/bananor-zytanien2017
Ongolito Ville / Open Stage
Friday from 2 p.m
Saturday from 12 p.m
Sunday from 12 p.m
Saturday from 12 p.m
Sunday from 12 p.m